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Private Classes

Interested in a private class? We are happy to provide private classes for 1-2 individuals at the cost of $125 for

2-3 hours for one person or $185 for two people. This includes a personalized class design tailored to your skills and desired learning path and all supplies required. Participants will leave with a minimum of 6 self-decorated cookies in a professional bakery box. While our group classes provide a fun learning experience designed to allow you to socialize while still gaining skills, Private classes offer all of the content of 2-3 group classes at a level that ensures transferable skills and techniques that go beyond learning a specific set design.  If you want to know “why” as well as “what or how”, then this is the option for you! 

Please text for more information 972-922-6064


Cookie Pro? Click here

Working From Home

the Artisanal Bakery Business Launchpad (A.B.B.L.)

Coming Soon! 


Do you own a Home-based Bakery or dream of starting one? 

Are you frustrated or overwhelmed by information that just doesn't quite fit your goals for your business? 


Because of the unique space that most home bakers occupy in the small business world (balancing artistic design and quality with growth and production quantities), it can be challenging to figure out how to stay both small and successful.  Many of us entered the home bakery business sphere in order to free up time to care for our families or ourselves and to add flexibility or margin to our lives. Instead, now we find ourselves struggling to grow our business and measure our success without our business stealing the very time and flexibility that we thought it would provide.  

You aren't alone!


With over 20 years of combined business and artisanal experience, we are here to show you why an Artisanal Business Model can help you scale up without expanding to the point that the quality of your products and your personal health aren't sacrificed.  


A.B.B.L courses condense years of expertise into one accessible and cost-effective online educational platform which serves as the single comprehensive bilingual artisanal bakery educational platform on the market. Let us help you launch or refine your home bakery business to be both small and successful! 



Local Professional Classes

Already have a cookie business but ready to take your cookies to the next level? Our professional classes start at $200 per hour and are geared towards cookie decorators who are seeking to improve either a specific skill or scale their production to a higher and more efficient level.  These classes include skills like:

  • Hand lettering

  • Color theory and palette design

  • Advanced detail work

  • Advanced Florals

  • Cohesive Holiday design planning

Class - IMG_5783.jpeg

Local Internships

Have you been decorating cookies for a while now and taken all the classes but just aren’t sure if you’re ready to jump into business yet? Come experience what it's like to work in a home bakery on a larger scale.  Internships with Oh Jupiters Bakery cover everything from basic skill review to mass production on a home bakery scale. Internships are offered on an as-needed basis with only 1 intern accepted at a time as we desire to make sure that each intern is fully equipped to step out on their own following their internship experience.  Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Science of Baking

  • Mass Production Considerations

  • Cookie Decorating Skill Review and Updated Methods

  • Royal Icing, Buttercream, and Hybrid Icing 

  • Recipe Development and Modification

  • Design Basics and Color Theory

  • Advanced Royal Icing Techniques (as applicable)

  • Basic Business Concepts

  • Marketing and Building Your Clientele

  • Packaging and Presentation

  • Finding your Branding Essentials

  • Health, Safety, and Sanitation for Food Handlers

  • Various Skill Sets as they come up in orders

  • Pricing with Confidence

  • Artisanal vs Small Business Models

Internships are conducted based on knowledge for hours exchange and as such are unpaid but also cover the same information available in our online Artisanal Bakery program at no cost to the applicant. The value of the knowledge gained in this program is more than equal to the amount that would be paid as an employee or assessed for business coaching on a for-fee basis.  As such this is an excellent option for those who wish business coaching but are unable to afford fees.  We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn and will do everything possible to help those who desire to do so to succeed!


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© 2023 by Oh Jupiters Bakery. Site Design by Agora Consulting Services.

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